How can I export a complete list?

Hi, I have a list with 200000 contacts, that I’d like to export.

30000 of these contacts have already opted out.

I need to export this list including the data of who opted out.

However, I cannot find any option to export a list:

Is there any way to export the data?

Hi @mmalpenluft , thanks for posting on this community!

On Brevo you should be able to easily export your contacts, like described in this article:

On your side, you’re not able to see the export option, is that correct?

1 « J'aime »


I managed to export the list. However, the data as to who was blocked wasn’t exptrcted. is there a way to also export this data?


Do you see « Angemeldet » in the export? Or « Geblocklistet »? Or none of them?

1 « J'aime »

That’s the thing. I don’t have this metric in the export:

When you’re configuring the export, do you choose to export the Subscribed parameter?

I don’t have this option

So is tehre any way to export the opt outs?

That’s weird, indeed. You should be able to see this option. I would suggest to contact Brevo’s support on this topic.