How can I send a Transcational Email to an entire contact list using a TemplateID?

Use Case:

Send an Email Update to My Subscribers of a specific PLAN. Email should be triggered through API and not scheduled.

What I have done?

All receipents are added to a specific Contact List, TemplateID is ready.

I can now send an individual Email using the TemplateID, To Email and Params

What is missing?

But no option to send to the entrire contact list instead of adding multiple To addresses.

Hi @Pritam , thanks for posting on this community!

I clearly see what you would like to do: sending via API a template to a set of contacts. What you could do:

Could that work for you?

Hi @ahudavert ,

Thanks for responding and I appreciate your time.

Yes this can be DONE, I considered it as the last option.

But can I just Create a Campaign by mentioning the TemplateID & the List or Segment ID ?

I believe , the Mail Content, Sender Info all things are all present in the TemplateID, So can I skip all the parameters asked for Creating the Campaign ID ?

If this can be DONE , then I believe I can get the Campaign ID & Call API to Send to the Contact List anytime , I hope , I don’t need to Create a Campaign again & again.

My last concern is , Is there any Difference in the Transactional Emails & Campaign Emails? I just need to confirm that this Email shouldn’t be considered as a Marketing Email, It’s a Transactional Email

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

Hi @Pritam ,

can I just Create a Campaign by mentioning the TemplateID & the List or Segment ID ?

Unfortunately not, what we call a campaign at Brevo includes the recipient’s list.

Is there any Difference in the Transactional Emails & Campaign Emails

Do you ask if there is a difference in terms of pricing? Why do you need these emails to be considered as transactional?

Hi @ahudavert ,

Recipients List means I need to Mention the Emails of Recipients like email1,email2 ?

I thought it is possible to Send to a entire Contact List, using the List ID ?

Unfortunately not, what we call a campaign at Brevo includes the recipient’s list.

No , actually i have noticed that Transactional Emails goes to Inbox & Other Emails with Template which I send from the Brevo Dashboard mostly goes to Promotion. I don’t know why it does happens.

Do you ask if there is a difference in terms of pricing? Why do you need these emails to be considered as transactional?

I think a very simple API Endpoint like this would be very useful

Here I just need to Mention the TemplateID and If I don’t mention an Email, It will be sent to the Entire TEST List. Here If we could just mention the Contact List ID , It would be Perfect.
