Outlook and api

Is there a way I can use Brevo API with Outlook?

Hi @christodeus , what do you mean exactly? What is your use case? If you could provide more details so that we can answer in the most relevant way, that’d be great :+1:


Subject is not a concern anymore but I still have a question.

So I managed to set up SMTP on Outlook but I still encounter some trouble with the optout. So I use [UNSUBSCRIBE] in my signature, link seems to work because it render a link which starts like this https://giiaghe.r.af.d.sendibt2.com/
but if I click on it I have this error message:
giiaghe.r.af.d.sendibt2.com a envoyé une réponse non valide.

If I try with {{ unsubscribe }}, something weird is happening, it render the link but without the 2 dots, so it starts like https//giiaghe… and if I manually add the 2 dots, the link is working.

That’s weird indeed. @Mauricio do you know what could happen here?


I now use the HTML code from the brevo template (which works perfectly when sending a test) with Outlook. The email is well sent and received and now the unsubscribe link leads me to a 404 Brevo page with an error code:

build-verify URL: build UrlParams: build-verify URL: cleanURL: invalid URL: parse « http://%7b%7bunsubscribe%7d%7d »: invalid URL escape « %7b »

I forwared this error form to Brevo but I really can’t figure out what am I doing wrong.


Just want to come back to this and inform you that it works perfectly fine with Thunderbird but for unknown reasons it doesn’t (at least on my configuration) with Outlook, new Outlook or Courrier from Windows.

Hope this can help other in the same case as I was :wink:

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