I would like to place two text elements next to each other in a column. Does anyone know if and how that is possible? So far I tried creating 2 text elements of width less then 50 and aligning one to the left and the other to the right. But that didn’t work. Any help is appreciated.
Hi @evenmarbles , woud you have some screenshots to show what you’d like to achieve?
Hi @ahudavert, thank you for your reply.
I am trying to provide a listing of items purchased with the purchase price.
Ok I see, thanks.
In the Brevo editor you can create two columns and populate each of the cells; as you’re writing « But that didn’t work » what is the obstacle you’re encountering to make this work?
On the topic of adding columns to an email: could this reply be of any help? How do I insert columns into a content section? - #4 par deborah_m
Thank you @ahudavert for your reply. Unfortunately, I don’t remember completely what the problem was I was running into. I believe it had something to do with keeping the lines in sync and also to to create the lines. However, I was eventually able to solve the issue by going into Developer Mode and using YAML, HTML, and CSS style.