Help with Email Automation for Forgot Password

Hello Community,
We were trying to setup a forgot password automation for our application and are currently using Brevo for all transactional emailers. However, we have come across the problem of Brevo lists not accepting duplicate email ID’s. The problem is when a customer registers his / her email ID gets logged into the Brevo list. When the customer forgets password - we need to send an emailer to that email ID.

*Password Reset: If a user forgets their password and requests a reset, how can we send them an email containing a link to reset their password securely as Brevo will not trigger the emailer because the contact is already in the list. Can you please help on this and let us know. Thank you.

Hi @Longeny , thanks for posting on this community.

The way I see it is:

  • when user clicks on the reset link
  • you generate the link to reset the password
  • and by API you send a transactional email with the reset link in it; this way, no need to rely on any Brevo lists

Could that work for you?