Help with Automation Sequence

Just starting with Brevo

Got a working form

Got an Automation (sequence) set up eg:
added to list - wait - send this message - wait - now send this message …etc etc

But the only way I could add messages, was to use Templates…every email in the sequence has to be a Template?

That can’t be right…can it?

Hello @MemberGate,

For some insight, perhaps this reply in a similar thread might be helpful to differentiate campaigns from transactional mails: Link to the thread.

That being said, are you limited in some way? Please elaborate :slight_smile:

These are emails which progress the story and have links back to my site

They should go to anyone who completed the form

Its an automation sequence

When I add a new step which is typically ‹ wait 1 day › I then want to continue the story and progress the ‹ conversation ›

But the only way I can add a new email to the sequence is to create a new Template

It’s not a Template though, it’s just the next email

I was expecting to use the Template and update it with the new email text and save that message

But instead zi am building a lot of Templates

Not transactional IMO - when they buy, they are moved to a ‹ buyers › list

I’m trying to understand your issue. I think it is perfectly fine to create different email Templates for every step in your clients journey. Each Email-Template will have a fitting text for a given purpose along with some Placeholders maybe.

Transactional Email Templates are ideal for scenarios like e.g.:

  1. Account Creation Confirmation: When a user signs up for a new account on your website or platform, you can send them a confirmation email to verify their email address and welcome them to the platform.
  2. Password Reset: If a user forgets their password and requests a reset, you can send them an email containing a link to reset their password securely.
  3. Subscription Confirmation: When a user subscribes to a newsletter, blog updates, or any other recurring content, you can send them a confirmation email to verify their subscription.
  4. Booking Confirmation: For businesses like hotels, airlines, or event venues, sending a confirmation email after a user makes a booking is crucial to provide them with details about their reservation.
  5. Appointment Reminders: For service-based businesses such as doctors’ offices or salons, sending reminders about upcoming appointments helps reduce no-shows and keeps clients informed.
  6. Feedback Requests: After a user interacts with your product or service, you can send them an email requesting feedback to gather insights for improvement.
  7. Account Activity Notifications: Inform users about important activities on their account, such as changes to their profile, security-related events, or updates on their submitted content.
  8. Shipping Updates: If your business involves shipping physical goods, sending email updates about the status of an order, including tracking information, is essential for keeping customers informed.
  9. Policy Updates: Notify users about changes to your terms of service, privacy policy, or any other important policies that affect their interaction with your platform.
  10. Event Reminders: For webinars, workshops, or other events, sending reminders with event details and access links helps ensure attendees don’t miss out.

The word ‹ Template › means… well… template!
A preformed framework
i am expecting to set up one template and then edit parts of it for each sequential message
But I am copying the Template each time, renaming it, saving it then editing it

That’s cumbersome
And I’ve already saved 6 templates in this sequence - the Template section is going to be huge as I create new sequences?

Hi @MemberGate , indeed: on Brevo, when you want to send an email, either as a newsletter email or as a transactional email, you have to create templates.

Once created, you can find them all in your Templates section, and manage them: edit them, duplicate them, deactivate them, etc etc

And what you’re saying is that you find the steps needed to create a new template from the automation a bit too time consuming?

Hi @ahudavert (Alexandre)
Well, clunky I suppose

I would expect a template to be something you craft once and then copy, edit and save the new version as a title in it’s own right, then post that message to the Automation

That way - when I start a new campaign, I can use the campaign name for the Automation Sequence Template and the messages a re sub-document’s or ‹ children ›

But I can see a time when I need to be really smart about naming Templates and the Template selection getting challenging to navigate


Indeed, I see what you mean. It could have been a different way for us to implement templates.

On Brevo each new email is stored as a new template, so that you can find them all in one place, and if need be re-use it somewhere else: for example, if you created a template for a newsletter, but for any reasons you need to use it inside an automation as well, you can do it easily.