Help with Automation Sequence

Just starting with Brevo

Got a working form

Got an Automation (sequence) set up eg:
added to list - wait - send this message - wait - now send this message …etc etc

But the only way I could add messages, was to use Templates…every email in the sequence has to be a Template?

That can’t be right…can it?

Hello @MemberGate,

For some insight, perhaps this reply in a similar thread might be helpful to differentiate campaigns from transactional mails: Link to the thread.

That being said, are you limited in some way? Please elaborate :slight_smile:

These are emails which progress the story and have links back to my site

They should go to anyone who completed the form

Its an automation sequence

When I add a new step which is typically ‹ wait 1 day › I then want to continue the story and progress the ‹ conversation ›

But the only way I can add a new email to the sequence is to create a new Template

It’s not a Template though, it’s just the next email

I was expecting to use the Template and update it with the new email text and save that message

But instead zi am building a lot of Templates

Not transactional IMO - when they buy, they are moved to a ‹ buyers › list

I’m trying to understand your issue. I think it is perfectly fine to create different email Templates for every step in your clients journey. Each Email-Template will have a fitting text for a given purpose along with some Placeholders maybe.

Transactional Email Templates are ideal for scenarios like e.g.:

  1. Account Creation Confirmation: When a user signs up for a new account on your website or platform, you can send them a confirmation email to verify their email address and welcome them to the platform.
  2. Password Reset: If a user forgets their password and requests a reset, you can send them an email containing a link to reset their password securely.
  3. Subscription Confirmation: When a user subscribes to a newsletter, blog updates, or any other recurring content, you can send them a confirmation email to verify their subscription.
  4. Booking Confirmation: For businesses like hotels, airlines, or event venues, sending a confirmation email after a user makes a booking is crucial to provide them with details about their reservation.
  5. Appointment Reminders: For service-based businesses such as doctors’ offices or salons, sending reminders about upcoming appointments helps reduce no-shows and keeps clients informed.
  6. Feedback Requests: After a user interacts with your product or service, you can send them an email requesting feedback to gather insights for improvement.
  7. Account Activity Notifications: Inform users about important activities on their account, such as changes to their profile, security-related events, or updates on their submitted content.
  8. Shipping Updates: If your business involves shipping physical goods, sending email updates about the status of an order, including tracking information, is essential for keeping customers informed.
  9. Policy Updates: Notify users about changes to your terms of service, privacy policy, or any other important policies that affect their interaction with your platform.
  10. Event Reminders: For webinars, workshops, or other events, sending reminders with event details and access links helps ensure attendees don’t miss out.

The word ‹ Template › means… well… template!
A preformed framework
i am expecting to set up one template and then edit parts of it for each sequential message
But I am copying the Template each time, renaming it, saving it then editing it

That’s cumbersome
And I’ve already saved 6 templates in this sequence - the Template section is going to be huge as I create new sequences?

Hi @MemberGate , indeed: on Brevo, when you want to send an email, either as a newsletter email or as a transactional email, you have to create templates.

Once created, you can find them all in your Templates section, and manage them: edit them, duplicate them, deactivate them, etc etc

And what you’re saying is that you find the steps needed to create a new template from the automation a bit too time consuming?

Hi @ahudavert (Alexandre)
Well, clunky I suppose

I would expect a template to be something you craft once and then copy, edit and save the new version as a title in it’s own right, then post that message to the Automation

That way - when I start a new campaign, I can use the campaign name for the Automation Sequence Template and the messages a re sub-document’s or ‹ children ›

But I can see a time when I need to be really smart about naming Templates and the Template selection getting challenging to navigate


Indeed, I see what you mean. It could have been a different way for us to implement templates.

On Brevo each new email is stored as a new template, so that you can find them all in one place, and if need be re-use it somewhere else: for example, if you created a template for a newsletter, but for any reasons you need to use it inside an automation as well, you can do it easily.

Yes, it looks like on Brevo, each email in your sequence needs to be set up as a separate template. It might seem a bit tedious to create and manage multiple templates, especially if you’re used to a different system.

One approach you might consider is creating a base template with placeholders and then duplicating and modifying it for each email in your sequence. This way, you have a consistent format and only need to update the content specific to each step.

If this becomes a hassle or you find yourself managing a lot of templates, you might want to check out solutions like Sugar Enterprise, which could offer more flexibility with template management in automation sequences.