Currently on the free plan, trying to import contacts and getting this all the time when trying to import from Excel Workbook.
I’ve made sure all fields have something in them, mapped data and didn’t import those that didn’t concern me. Got a lot of fake ‹ duplicate › contacts, aka same name but different email.
Any help?
Hi @sophia524 , is this a problem you’re still encountering?
Hi! Not with all my contacts (I’ve broken them down into many excels and slowly uploading them) but with some of them and it’s a pain inputting the contacts one by one.
meaning that importing these contact does not work when done in batches but it works when done one by one?
Indeed. It’s specific Excels that have this problem and reuploading them doesn’t work.
Do you think it might be the problem with how I filled the data on the Excel? And what could it be, because (I think at least) I have been pretty thorough