RSS feed doesn't work

Hi there,

I’ve setup a RSS feed integration for my WordPress website through the default WordPress feed « ».

It’s W3C validated.

For any reason, preview doesn’t show up dynamic content (it worked once and hasn’t worked since) and draft campaign is never created (the conditions concerning the creation date of the posts are met).

Thank you !

1 « J'aime »

I was experiencing something similar. Brevo RSS seems to know when it has previously send an item (post) within a given campaign.

I did not want to put new posts on my site for testing. So, I create a new RSS campaign for each test. It is painfully slow, but the only method that has worked to see the email formatting and content prior to releasing the campaign into production.

@Brevo - please enable RSS preview and test sends!

Thank you,

2 « J'aime »