RSS feed not showing in preview

Hi all,

I struggle with setup of a Newsletter based off a RSS feed. Can anybody help me?

When creating a RSS integration I can successfully connect my feed and also see the content in the preview. A testmail from here will be empty, however.

After finishing the integration setup I would go to my template (doesn’t matter if custom template or Brevo’s RSS template) and never again see any content of my RSS feed inside of a preview or a testmail.

I’m not sure what to expect? I would think going to the template preview would show my feed contents, like it did in the preview during the integration setup. Instead I see the variables as text (e.g. {{feed.TITLE}}). While I understand seeing this in the preview editor. I would not expect to see code in the preview.

Sending a testmail will then result in just an empty mail (empty where the variables would be).

I’m a web developer and can’t understand how much of a struggle this is…