Unable to add custom attribute to form

I have created a custom attribute that I want to use in a form (an event with multiple choice dates) but when I go to create the form, the custom attribute I created comes up but without the multiple choices

Hi @MegD , so you mean you have created the attribute, but it’s not possible to add it to your form, is that correct?
I think multiple choice attributes are not yet supported on the forms. But it’s something that should be coming soon (in a few weeks or months)

Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, that’s correct. I have found a workaround for this for now.

Great! Could you please share what is it, so that other community members could benefit from your advice? Thank you very much!

The form was for a CTA button on a rolling-event page. I created the CTA button which triggered an identified contact. They are then sent Zoom where they could then choose which date they wanted to attend. It’s a manual workaround as I need to verify which dates they have registered for so I can send them the appropriate details in a timely manner.

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Hi @ahudavert,

Can you confirm using a multiple choice attribute on a contact is being worked on in the update profile forms?
