Brevo API does not seem to work with Postman SMTP plugin


I am trying to setup a wordpress wesbsite.The plugin I use is Post SMTP plugin.

I did exactly as this link How to configure Post SMTP with Sendinblue aka Brevo

“From email” is the email I use to login to Brevo account

“From name” is “no-reply”.

“API key” was copied and double-checked.

When I sent test email, it always returns the red-color error code below.

Code: 401, Message: Unauthorized, Body: {“message”:”not verified”,”code”:”unauthorized”}

I have tried generating different Brevo API keys, same problem.
I also tried with the plugin WP Mail SMPT by WPForm, same problem.
Domain was already verified with DNS records.

Please help.

Hi @hungdo , from what I see here:

Brevo is experiencing some latency in delivering the campaigns. Could that be linked to it?

This status page will be updated live, so you can check it regularly to know if there are some troubles happening.

Hi @ahudavert

I have been experiencing the issue since the last Friday (May 17).
This Brevo account was created on that day.
I could not verify the account by myself because the SMS never arrived no matter how many times I tried. Then I asked Brevo support through email to help me and it seemed he had to verify the account by hand.

It has been a week now. I tried many times but could not get the API to work. So I started wondering if the issue could be about my specific account.

Hi @ahudavert
I gave it another try.

I installed the wordpress plugin developed by Brevo, here Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Brevo (formely Sendinblue) – WordPress plugin |
I activated the plugin, chose to login with the API, Sent a test mail.
It worked.

I disabled the Brevo plugin, re-enable the Post SMTP wordpress plugin, sending test email. It also worked.

From what I see, it looks like the feature of sending emails through API must be activated in advance by using the API through the Brevo-developed wordpress plugin, and after that the API feature will work for any other use-cases.
Just my theory.

Hi @hungdo , ok perfect if it worked.

the feature of sending emails through API must be activated in advance by using the API through the Brevo-developed wordpress plugin

From what I read this is how it worked for you, but it’s weird, it should not be the case: people should be able to use Brevo’s API without needing the installation of an external plugin.

Anyway, if in the end the API worked for you, that’s great!