Brevo Editor is Very Slow - Locks Up

I’ve been trying to create an email campaign all night. Designing the email in the editor, specifically. Brevo is responding painfully slow and sometimes not at all. I started with the sale template (I think) and I am using Chrome on a laptop. I’ve cleared my cache, I’ve restarted my laptop, I’ve closed other apps and tabs, I’ve refreshed Brevo, I’ve closed my browser and restarted Brevo. After doing these things, it acts fine for maybe 3 edits, then it goes slow again. There isn’t one specific action that this happens on. It has happened on uploading an image, editing an image, moving text, replacing text, etc.
I am beyond frustrated at this point. Any advice?

1 « J'aime »

Hi @trdurham , thanks for posting on this community.
maybe @mohit @RDuclos you’re aware of this?

Slow response continued today. I finally got my campaign out but it was ridiculously tedious. Am I the only one having this issue?

I’ve sent you a private message to schedule a call with the engineering team. This way, we can work together to diagnose the issue.

1 « J'aime »

We have the same experience everything is so so slow you click and then wait 10-20 seconds.

1 « J'aime »

No one showed up for my scheduled 1 on 1 and I’m still experiencing issues. Is this getting fixed?

Same problem here for some time now, very annoying!
Any Updates? Booking calls with other companies and not showing up seems not so supportive and solution oriented.

1 « J'aime »

Same issue! Had just decided to choose Brevo as my email marketing solution, but if this continues I’ll have to reconsider…this is beyond annoying!

UPDATE: Weirdly enough, even the BROWSER (Firefox in my case, Chrome in yours) reacts slower, and ONLY on the tab I am editing Brevo in. Like this community or any other page refreshes quickly, but the Brevo editing page takes loooonnnnggg (longer after a while of editing). If I save and open in ANOTHER tab, I get a few minutes (or edits) until it slows down again.

Hello @HannekeN @Ecom030 @trdurham If you’re still experiencing slowness issues, could you please submit a support ticket. We can investigate the problem on a case-by-case basis and work directly with you to find a solution after you raise the ticket.

1 « J'aime »


same problem here, Brevo get stuck, far too slow … using last version of Firefox on a windows 11 laptop …



Same problem here.
Using last version of Firefox, on a windows 10

Thank ! :slight_smile:

Same issue here.
Using FireFox and/or Safari on Mac OS Monterey (12.0.1)
Even selecting a text takes minutes…