[FIXED] Authentication failed when connect with Gmail

I have followed the instruction in this video on YouTube: Create a Business Email Account For FREE, when I reach to 7:18 of the video, Gmail shows this error messages:
Authentication failed. Please check your username/password.
Server returned error: « 535 5.7.8 Authentication failed , code: 535 »

NOTE: Since I can insert 2 links in this post, I’ve changed « . » into « … »

I have tried to entre (Server: smtp-relay…brevo…com + Port: 587):

1. My SMTP Settings_1:

  • Username: 7a5647001@smtp-brevo…com
  • Password: [The Master Password that Brevo created]

2. My SMTP Settings_2:

  • Username: 7a5647001@smtp-brevo…com
  • Password: [The SMTP Key that I created]

3. My SMTP Settings_3:

  • Username: 7a5647001
  • Password: [The Master Password that Brevo created]

4. My SMTP Settings_4:

  • Username: 7a5647001
  • Password: [The SMTP Key that I created]

5. My business email information_1:

  • Username: name@mydomain…com
  • Password: [The SMTP Key that I created]

6. My business email information_2:

  • Username: name
  • Password: [The SMTP Key that I created]

7. My business email information_3:

  • Username: name@mydomain…com
  • Password: [The App Password that I created in my Google Account]

8. My business email information_4:

  • Username: name
  • Password: [The App Password that I created in my Google Account]

But this error still occurs. Please help me to solve this problem. The below image shows the error:

I have added all the needed records for the connection between Brevo and Cloudflare correctly, and all the values matched when I clicked on « Check configuration ».

I also tried all the 8 cases above using telnet to check the connection. The below is the progress:

220 smtp-relay.brevo.com ESMTP Service Ready
EHLO mydomain.com
250-Hello mydomain.com
250 SIZE 20971520
220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
*encoded username*
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
*encoded password*
535 5.7.8 Authentication failed

As can be seen, the ‹ 535 5.7.8 › error still occurs. Please help me to solve this problem.


I’ve fixed the problem. You can use the steps that I used, in case you’re having the same issue as me.

Scenario: I’m trying to add « name@mydomainname.com » to « myemail@gmail.com », so I can send email as « name@mydomainname.com » while I’m still at « myemail@gmail.com ».

Step 1: I need to entre Name (the name that you want for the « name@mydomainname.com », and entre the email address.


Step 2: Then I’ll configure the « SMTP Server » and « Port » as the below image. Next, I’ll entre the email address « myemail@gmail.com » for the « Username », and the « App Password » for the « Password » textbox. I’ll need to create an App Password at Google if my personal email doesn’t have it yet.


After this step, all I need to do is go to the confirmation email (it’ll be send to « name@mydomainname.com ») and verify « name@mydomainname.com ». All done!

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I love you Sam1.

You saved my dead brain. All I had to do was to READ! :face_in_clouds: