How to unsubscribe from a SPECIFIC LIST and NOT ALL LISTS (or be BLOCKLISTED)

Hi folks,

I have a situation where I am running 2 brands (2 x web domains) on one Brevo account. My issue is this:

If a new subscriber joins LIST A (domain/website A) and also join LIST B (domain B) and then they subsequently unsubscribe in a marketing campaign email from LIST A, they will also be automatically removed from LIST B.

Chatgpt suggested the following:

Create a link: https://[mydomain][list id number] (for specific list eg LIST A for COMPANY A).

It seemed like a good idea but it doesn’t work. It just opens a blank web page when clicking on unsubscribe and it does not remove the contact from the specified list. It simply blocklists them.

It’s important to know that I cannot combine these lists to join or not join in a preferences page as the person does not know that the 2 companies in this example are on the same CRM.

What I want to achieve is this:

If they choose to opt out from emails from domain A, they should still be able to receive emails from domain B.

So what would the process flow look like for removing them from specific lists rather than one single global list?

If I can only manage one domain and the contact is blocked listed when unsubscribing gtom any campaign and not list specific removal then it’s a deal breaker for me (have to go back to active campaign).

I’vr broached this with support but their answers are the same as what we can read on brevo’s help…no workarounds provided.

Hope you can help

Hi @SDAHELP , thanks for posting on this community!

I perfectly get your use case. Indeed, on Brevo, when you unsubscribe from email marketing, you get unsubscribed for all marketing communications.

What you would need, I guess, is a way to let your users manage their subscriptions. I don’t think they should have access to your lists’ names, but they should be able to subscribe to one or the other of your communications.

For the moment the way to do it would be via API I think: if user unchecks one of his choices, then you should remove them from a given list

Hi @ahudavert, I don’t think your suggestion for using the API is best for most peoples use case and ability. All I did was create an « Update Profile » form and then chose the lists and then RENAMED the lists displayed in the form by clicking on the list label and then re wording it to something the contact would understand: Dropbox Capture

1 « J'aime »

Hi @SDAHELP , yes you’re absolutely right: I was not aware of this possibility but I think it’s way better to use the « Update profile » form :+1:

Not to be contrite but unfortunately I find myself providing the answers tp brevo rather than getting the answers from brevo. Maybe the suppprt folk need to use the product rather than « reading the manual ».


In this precise case, I got to know about « Update profile » form after my first answer. My bad.

Please keep in mind that people from Brevo contributing to this community, like all members of this community by the way, are doing it on a voluntary basis, they’re not part of any support team.

That’s why, as for all of us, sometimes we can be wrong. People replying here are trying to help, so that we all, as Brevo users, can help each other. Sometimes, indeed, it can happen that better solutions can be found by other community members. After all, this is the purpose of a community :slight_smile:

Hi @ahudavert, I get the fact that this is a community but I also find Brevo support is very high level feature based support. A profile update form is very basic. I don’t dare come to brevo for tips on building out the lead scoring system I am working on now for example. That’s more intricate and not feature specific like the update form.