No Way to Disable by Option tracking in Transactional E-Mail

Another issue with the current tracking of urls in transactional emails for us is that it breaks magic links when there is a registered handler for the url (ie app installed). This means that users that have the app installed can never successfully login because when the app opens, the link is no longer valid as it was already accessed once (I suppose as part of the redirection). The work-around would be to allow magic links to be used more than once, which is not great from a security perspective.

Speaking of « security reasons »:
In Mail-Clients this looks not trustworthy to the recipient, if the « mail-preview » just shows a cryptic-link (like…):
This is the link of the tracking-pixel on transactional mails via SMTP. Is there a way to at least change the position of the pixel in the mail body to remove it from the preview-header (Cerberus/cerberus-responsive.html at main · TedGoas/Cerberus · GitHub)?


I’m also hoping for a policy change here…
I had to sign up for Postmark (link tracking optional), because of this.

I think changing the position to the very bottom is the very least Brevo should do as a short-term part solution of the problem. In combination with No Way to Disable by Option tracking in Transactional E-Mail - #23 par Roman I fear that Brevo is just not the right solution for sending transactional mails.

« Disabling of tracking is not planned. »
This is a deal-breaker for most of our clients, and thus for us.

We’ll stay with Postmark, hoping that they will roll out an EU data residency option anytime soon.

I see your points, to both of you. I agree that some customers may need to disable the email tracking, and this is why Brevo is offering this option, to the Enterprise plans

Any update on how to avoid showing the tracking link in the preview. Looks too much like spam.

Hi everyone, follow up on this topic:

Sendibt links you guys added to every email are so slow to open and they are killing our email campaigns. Nobody would wait 5-10 seconds these days! You guys must fix this as this will kill your business too.

When will disabling tracking be available? The image tracking pixel is making gmail/google think every email is suspicious. This is a deal breaker for our customers and most of them won’t click because of this situation! What is the hold up? You guys need to get rid of this asap!

Hi @fadonia. If your preheader’s tracking link is causing problems, please contact support. They can reposition it to remove it from view.

Would be nice to have that disabling option for every paying customer.
Currently that tracking link harms our reputation and is not helpful at all, we just need to get the emails deliverd.

Swisscom (largest Telco in Switzerland) thinks the root domain ( is harmful and blocks the access and the subdomain ( have an SSL error (PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR).

(since im a new user i can not post images as proof)

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Hi all!

We are using the transactional email service and some of our customers get errors trying to open links within the email. These links are to access content they purchase so it’s important for users to be able to open it.

One customer sent a screenshot which showed the following error (translated from Danish):
Your connection is not private
Users with malicious intent may attempt to steal your information (eg passwords, messages or credit cards). Get more information

This is probably due to the ISP blocking the link. If this happens to more customers, we can’t rely on brevo any more for sending such emails.

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<body bgcolor="#ffffff" style="padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 20px; background-color: #ffffff;">
  <img width="1" height="1" src=""/>

This guy here is causing problems with Gmail

I keep getting the error


We really need to get this sorted or its pointless having Brevo to improve deliverability when everyone using Gmail gets this error.


Same here. We switched sending mails to brevo transactional service.
Now we have some complaints from customers that we send « not trustworthy links » …

Seems that some mail security tools do not like your tracking links!
(isn’t that reducing your mail sending reputation as well ?)

So please extend the option to disable link tracking from enterprise customers to all paying customers!!!

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I am also dealing with something similar after switching to Brevo’s transactional service. A few of my customers have complained about the tracking links being flagged as untrustworthy, and I’ve noticed that some email security tools don’t like them either.

I am concerned it could affect our sending reputation as well. It would definitely be helpful if the option to disable link tracking was extended to all paying customers, not just enterprise ones. This is happening for one of my client’s business where he is offering womens bamboo pajamas with higher discounts on this Christmas.

I know they will fix it sooner but it is damaging our client’s businesses as it is just before Christmas, so we all can understand its importance.

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‹ smtp › => [
‹ transport › => ‹ smtp ›,
‹ url › => env(‹ MAIL_URL ›),
‹ host › => env(‹ MAIL_HOST ›, ‹ ›),
‹ port › => env(‹ MAIL_PORT ›, 587),
‹ encryption › => env(‹ MAIL_ENCRYPTION ›, ‹ tls ›),
‹ username › => env(‹ MAIL_USERNAME ›),
‹ password › => env(‹ MAIL_PASSWORD ›),
‹ timeout › => null,
‹ local_domain › => env(‹ MAIL_EHLO_DOMAIN ›),
‹ headers › => env(‹ MAIL_DISABLE_TRACKING ›, false) == true ? [
‹ X-Mailin-Track › => ‹ false ›,
‹ X-Mailin-Track-Clicks › => ‹ false ›,
‹ X-Mailin-Track-Opens › => ‹ false ›,
] : ,

Could do it,

Recheck Brevo’s Tracking Settings

  1. Log in to Brevo Dashboard.
  2. Go to **Transactional > Settings > Tracking
  3. Look for the following options:
    Click Tracking: Make sure this is OFF.
    Open Tracking: Make sure this is also OFF.

If you turned Anonymous Tracking off earlier but Click Tracking is still on, Brevo may still rewrite links for tracking.

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I am also having this issue, even for transactional emails. I asked the support team and they answered:

« Unfortunately, after reviewing the account by our deliverability team, we will not be able to disable the tracking. You may anonymize the tracking which can be done on your side but we will keep the tracking on our end. »

First of all, it’s impossible to comply with GDPR without an option to disable Click/Open tracking.
Secondly, there is no way to change a CNAME for the tracking link to an owned subdomain, so it looks less shady for the users.

Is there no way to disable Click and Open tracking?
The lack of this feature is blocking me from becoming a paying subscriber.


thanks for this idea, but in my settings under Transactional > Settings > Tracking there is only the option to activate « Anonymous e-mail tracking ». How did you get these additional settings to turn off Click Tracking and Open Tracking altogether?