Public Roadmap location

I’m building a lot of automations for my customers through Brevo, however the old & new editor in Brevo is lacking a lot. And the New editor hasn’t had any new updates since months.
If I also look at, the last post is from July 2023(!!). I’m really wondering how much of new development is happening and I’m getting concerned that I’ve chosen the wrong platform for my clients.

It would be really helpful if you could share a public roadmap.

can anyone reply please @qlambert ?

Hello @Titanify, I will give your message to my colleagues @Michael-Bastien @Florent, they know better than I do on this topic.

1 « J'aime »

Hi @Titanify , thanks for posting on this community!

This release page will be updated soon.

As per the automation: I confirm this evolves quite often, probably in the background if you don’t see it. More globally, we’re doing updates to the Brevo platform on a daily basis: a lot of releases are happening every day on the whole platform, but we’re not communicating everything, as there can be minor releases as more important ones.

Still, you’re right, this release page needs a refresh, and this will be done soon, it’s already being worked on.

1 « J'aime »