I moved to Brevo from Active Campaign and imported contacts with different tags. Now I am trying to separate contacts that has tag « Valmennus » but the software collects other people too, who has the same words in their tags, for example this contact who has these Disengaged,Eipostiavalmennus,Subscribed
What could be wrong? Should I try to find it differently?
I’m blown away tags aren’t an option they seem so standard on most email platforms and CRMs. Is there a timeline for this? I was trying to get setup and searching all day for how to activate or find tags. I have no clue how I would migrate from ActiveCampaign to Brevo without them since I use WPfusion and tags to manage access to courses and content
Hi @bradca , yes we are working on this. Currently I don’t have any precise timelines I can communicate, but it should be happening in the coming months.
Any News on Tags? Nearly half a year over since you are working on.
I moved to Brevo and thought that Tags are standart.
Now i have a huge problem.
Can you please answer if i still can cancel my account, since i need this feature and my old Tags from nealry 20k contacts are gone now.