Woo: request product review automation


Is there a way to create a product review automation after a purchase?

There would be a listing with the bought products with a direct link to the review form.


Hi @jochen , thanks for posting on this community.

So if I get it well:

  • every time a customer places an order
  • you want to display the products purchased
  • and a link to the review form

is that correct?

Yes, exactly.

Like the abandoned cart automation, but with the link to the product review tab.

Great. Have you already taken a look at this article? https://help.brevo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002368860-New-automation-editor-Send-an-automated-abandoned-cart-email-to-recover-lost-sales

I think you can get inspired from this, and add, in your email template, a link to the product review tab. My only question is: is this product review tab a generic one? Or depending on the product? If it changes for each product, can you easily deduce it from the product name for example?