Include Deal info on Automation's webhook (feature request?)

Hi dear Brevo team and community!

I’m trying to build some automations when I’m changing some Deal information and I need to call a webhook to my backend that will identify when de deal reached some step on the pipeline and move it to the next one.

I tried to add a webhook call, but it’s sending only the contact ID. In that case a contact could have more than one deal and that could generate some conflicts.

Is there a way to solve that or add the deal params into the request? Not I’m only receiving the automation ID and step, including the contact data, but not the deal.

Thank you!

1 « J'aime »

Hi @luisleao ,

thanks for posting on this community!
Adding @boris.rieunier in this thread, he’ll know better than me :+1:

Hi @luisleao thanks for your question.

I understand the need for a webhook in our APIs that would trigger on deal changes.

Regarding your current implementation I am discussing with the dev team to see if its normal that we you did not get the deal in the payload.

I will come back to you shortly on that.

@luisleao unfortunately its not possible get the deal details in the payload of the webhook you have used so far.

We are going to implement a Webhook in Deals APIs in Q2. Most probably end of Q2.