Issue with Brevo Email Open Tracking

Hi, People.

I’m reaching out regarding an issue I’ve noticed with Brevo’s email open tracking. After sending an email campaign to myself and some friends, I observed that the open rates were not being recorded correctly. It seems that the opens are only counted when a link or button within the email is clicked, rather than when the email is simply opened.

Could anyone clarify how the email open tracking is supposed to work in Brevo? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @pusmalun , thanks for posting on this community!

I understand you’re talking about the statistics of a campaign, right? If I got it well, this article may help you:

Specifically about the opening rates, keep in mind that for Apple users, because of the last security updates on iOS, Brevo is not able to exactly know how many people opened the email, so we provide an « Estimated open rate ».

Adding @Olivier_Beorchia @murryivanoff @Peter in this thread :slight_smile: