Automation to certain locations only?

Hi, wanting to move across from mailchimp but can’t work out if this is possible:

When a new contact is added to my list, I want to send them a ‹ welcome automation › of 5 emails. I have a different ‹ welcome automation › for each language the contact is learning - how can I set up a welcome automation that only gets sent to a contact when they join a list AND they are learning language X for example (language_learning is a custom attribute my contacts have)

Hi @lange , thanks for posting on this community!

If I got your need correctly, I think this solution could help you.
First, create a segment that checks all the contacts for which language_learning is equal to this or that value.
If you don’t know yet how to create a segment, you can learn more here:

You can set up an automation like this:

  • entry point: contact is added to a list
  • next action: do an « If / else » step that will check if contact corresponds to a filter. In this filter, you’ll choose the segment that you’ll have created just before

If contact corresponds to the condition, you send the welcome emails, if not, you don’t do anything.

Could this work for you?

Works well, thanks …

1 « J'aime »

As a second issue, I’d like to send a welcome email automation to anyone signing up who joins my list and DOES NOT have one of the 5 languages I have specific automations for. Would this be the way:

  • entry point: contact is added to a list
  • « If / else » step, is contact learning language one - if no then
    • « If / else » step, is contact learning language two - if no then
    • « If / else » step, is contact learning language three- if no then
    • « If / else » step, is contact learning language four- if no then
    • « If / else » step, is contact learning language five- if no then
  • send email

Is that the best way?

Hi @lange , I confirm this is the best way.

I know it’s not ideal, and I know as well that Brevo is working on a better way to manage this kind of case (if / else if / else if / else), but I don’t know when this will be out. So for the moment you can go like that.