Hi, wanting to move across from mailchimp but can’t work out if this is possible:
When a new contact is added to my list, I want to send them a ‹ welcome automation › of 5 emails. I have a different ‹ welcome automation › for each language the contact is learning - how can I set up a welcome automation that only gets sent to a contact when they join a list AND they are learning language X for example (language_learning is a custom attribute my contacts have)
next action: do an « If / else » step that will check if contact corresponds to a filter. In this filter, you’ll choose the segment that you’ll have created just before
As a second issue, I’d like to send a welcome email automation to anyone signing up who joins my list and DOES NOT have one of the 5 languages I have specific automations for. Would this be the way:
entry point: contact is added to a list
« If / else » step, is contact learning language one - if no then
« If / else » step, is contact learning language two - if no then
« If / else » step, is contact learning language three- if no then
« If / else » step, is contact learning language four- if no then
« If / else » step, is contact learning language five- if no then
I know it’s not ideal, and I know as well that Brevo is working on a better way to manage this kind of case (if / else if / else if / else), but I don’t know when this will be out. So for the moment you can go like that.