Suggestion automations - contact

Under the RGPD, personal data can only be kept « for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which it is processed ».

In automation, it would be possible to add « contact deletion » to the steps, which would make it possible to delete contacts detected as inactive for x number of months or weeks by a segment.

This would make it possible to comply with the RGPD « automatically ».

if for emails people can unsubscribe, for metting this is not possible and it should be possible to delete those who have not made an appointment for x months or weeks (to be ok with the RGPD)

Thank you for reading

Hi @TIM , thanks for your suggestion!

In the meantime, you can create an automation like this:

  • create a segment of the people who have made an appointment more than x time ago, and who haven’t had any new appointments since
  • then put them in a specific list
  • and then you could regularly check the people in this list to remove them

It’s a bit of a manual process (I know :slight_smile: ), but could this solve your issue?

Hi @ahudavert
Thank uou for your answer. That’s what I did, I just wanted to avoid the manual process :wink:

That’s ok, I will check my segment from time to time !

Ok I see :slight_smile:
Then I confirm, it’s not possible to manually add a contact to a segment.

That’s ok, I will check my segment from time to time !
